Student Wellbeing and Management

Student Wellbeing

At Murtoa College we have a well established reputation of catering for many different students emotional and academic needs. Our number one value is “Respect” and we practice what we preach. See our Values here.

We are an openly accepting school. We support LGBQTI acceptance and practice IDAHOBIT day and Reconciliation Week. 

As a school community we place a great amount of importance and physical resources in supporting students emotional, physical and social wellbeing. 

  • Leading Teachers and Support staff responsible for:
    • Student Wellbeing coordinator and 
    • Student Support coordinator
  • Pastoral Care – Year Level Coordinators and Form Teachers
  • Peer Support Program & Primary Buddies Program
  • F-12 Culture
    • Cross-age classes – specific activities are offered to encourage positive interactions between senior & junior students.



To support students emotional and mental health we off telehealth services and foster relationships with organisations like HeadSpace, ManCave and NextGen.

We also recognise the importance of starting the day with a full tummy. Thats why we offer Breakfast Club for our students. Not only does this support their concentration and physical development, but also fosters out unique F-12 culture as primary and secondary students share breakfast together.

Student Management 

Our student management is philosophy is based upon the core rights and responsibilities framework. We uphold a firm but fair approach where students must uphold three core right.

At Murtoa College, everyone has the right to:

  1. be and feel safe,
  2. be treated with respect and courtesy, and
  3. learn without distraction or disruption